PRA® Performance Repair Aerosol® Instructions for Application

SAFETY: You must wear plastic gloves, goggles, and respirator when working with Acetone and paint coatings.


  1. Remove all burnt or damaged loose coating with a piece of Scotch-brite™ (scouring pad), emery cloth, or wire brush.
  2. Wipe the affected area using Acetone with a cloth. As with all chemicals, to follow proper and safe procedures, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for use of materials.
  3. Cover or mask off areas to protect from overspray.
  4. Shake can until ball rattles and continue shaking for 1 minute.
  5. Remove the lid from the can.
  6. Apply in short overlapping strokes at 2 to 4 inches away as necessary to cover the area. Slowly apply coating until it matches existing color. As with all chemicals, follow the instructions per manufacturer’s guidelines.
  7. Wait 30 seconds between layers, if additional layers are needed.
  8. Remove masking materials being careful to not damage the area just coated.
  9. Wait until the coating has cured (30 minutes) before placing into service.
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